Walk around the Saab 105 (Sk 60)

These are pictures of two Saab 105 (Sk 60), both at Flygvapenmuseum in Linköping, Sweden. One hangs on display in one of the exhibit halls and the other is in storage. If you want to learn more about the Saab 105 read at Wikipedia.

Building the Saab 105 (Sk 60) in 1/48?

Currently there's no kit for the Saab 105 (Sk 60) available in scale 1/48 but there's one currently in pre-production from Pilot Replicas! Experience from earlier Pilot Replicas kits indicate that this kit could be a good one. 

There is an old kit in scale 1/72 from Marivox but this kit needs some hard work.

Picture gallery of the two Saab 105 (Sk 60) at Flygvapenmuseum, Linköping, Sweden

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